Adoptable dogs and cats
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Happy Tails
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"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
-Mahatma Gandhi
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."--Anatole France
Pet adoption and rescue powered by
Check out our pets in person
We are happy to be attending our first event since the Covid 19 outbreak
Sunday, September 26th
12:00 pm
Coffman Park Pavillion
Dublin, Ohio
Check back with us for more to come!
*Please allow up to 48 hours for a representative to contact you after submitting your application
Contact Information
Indicates required field
Full Name
[object Object]
Line 1
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Zip Code
Daytime Phone
Evening Phone
Cell Phone
Email Address
Prefered method of contact; email, cell phone, home phone, text
Family and Housing
What type of home do you live in; single family, condo, apartment, etc?
Do you own or rent?
If you rent, does your rental agreement permit pets?
Landlord's name, address, phone number
Is your property fenced?
What type/height fence?
If not fenced, how, when and where will your dog be exercised?
How many adults in your home, and relationship?
How many children and ages?
Does anyone in the family have a known allergy to cats or dogs?
Is everyone in agreement with the decision to adopt a cat/dog?
Place of employment?
Is spouse employed?
How many hours will the pet be left alone each day?
Where will the pet be kept when you are gone?
Where will the pet spend the day?
Where will the pet spend the night?
Who will have primary responsibility for the pet's daily care?
who will have financial responsibility for this pet?
If adopting a dog; Have you ever trained a dog in obedience class?
Do you plan to enroll the new dog in obedience class?
Do you believe in pet crates? Explain
If you move, what will you do with your pet?
How long do you feel a pet should be given for an adjustment period?
What dog/cat behaviors would be unacceptable to your family?
Do you agree to provide regular heathcare by a licensed veterinarian?
Do you agree to keep the pet as an indoor dog or cat?
Do you agree to contact Canaan Animal Sanctuary if you can no longer keep this pet?
Are you willing to let a representative of CAS visit your home by appointment?
Would you be interested in fostering? Would you like to know more?
What other pets do you currently have?
Are these pets up to date on vaccines?
Have you ever surrendered a pet? If so, why?
Have you ever had a pet euthanized? If so, why?
Have you ever lost a pet to an accident?
How do you discipline your pets?
How much do you estimate for the annual cost of dog food, treats, toys, etc?
How much do you estimate for annual veterinary care?
Do you have a regular veterinarian?
Veterinarian's name/ clinic name
Clinic address and phone number
(Please call your vet and ask them to authorize the release of information to CAS)
Are all animals up to date on vaccines?
Are these pets spayed/neutered? If no, why not?
On heartworm preventative? If yes, what brand?
On flea and tick preventative? If yes, what brand?
Have you ever applied to adopt a dog or cat from us? If yes, which dog or cat?
Have you ever applied to adopt a dog or cat from any other rescue, shelter or humane organization?
What organization? What was the result?
Name of dog or cat you are interested in adopting?
Breed, age, color, sex
Please tell us a little bit about yourself, why you want this dog or cat, and why you could provide a good home for the pet?
Please list three
non relatives
who have known you for at least 2 years
Name/ phone number
address/ relationship to you
Name/ Phone Number
Address/ relationship to you
Name/ phone number
Address/ Relationship to you
I hereby affirm that all of the above information is true and correct. I authorize you to verify any and all information set forth in this application and contact my personal references, landlord and listed veterinarian.
Signature and date
Please be aware that if you adopt a dog/cat from CAS and it is found that you are not meeting required standards, or have falsified any part of this application, you will be required to return the pet immediately.
Adoptable dogs and cats
Upcoming events
Happy Tails
Support Us
Volunteer (page 2)
Donate (page 3)