This is Sammie. Sammie was adopted from a local shelter. Right around his one year anniversary with us, he became very ill. He was taken to an emergency veterinarian hospital and tests revealed he had hemolytic anemia with disseminated intravascular coagulation. We had never heard of this disease, let alone knew what it meant. His prognosis was poor, but we decided to try. Sammie was only 5 years old and I wanted to give him the life that he deserved. After 11 days in the hospital, he was showing great improvement, and it was decided that he could go home in two days. We went home that evening feeling thankful. Upon arriving at the hospital the next day, we found Sammie unable to walk and having difficulty breathing. He had taken a turn for the worse, and his little body was giving out. We knew we had to let him go. The family surrounded and held him as he took his last breath and slipped away. Canaan Animal Sanctuary was founded in his honor, and in memory of all of our wonderful pets.
I was unable to save Sammie, but I have made it my life's work to save as many as possible